Abitare il Dialogo 

Event at Suq delle Culture Milano

Milan, Italy
Beneficiaries Roma community of via Bonfadini
Partners Architetti Senza Frontiere Veneto, Fondazione Somaschi
Funds Fondazione Cariplo


During the development of ERSILIA, our work with Roma communities in Milan urban fringes, we decided to raise awareness on Roma’s current living conditions and potential strategies of social rescue by promoting a debate. Suq delle Culture Milano gave us a powerful framework to organize an event that focused on the isolation of Roma informal settlements within the city and the consequent social exclusion.

We organized the event Abitare il Dialogo –“Dwelling the Dialogue”– together with some inhabitants of via Bonfadini Roma camp, Architetti Senza Frontiere Veneto and  Fondazione Somaschi. Abitare il Dialogo has allowed us to create and improve la Tavola delle Relazioni –the “Table of Relationships”–, which was an interactive table that, through videos, pictures and texts, involved visitors in direct interaction with Roma people, triggering a debate on their conditions. 

ASF Italia team Silvia Nessi, Mariella Eleonora Bianchin, Francesca Albertoni, Marco Tommaseo.