ERSILIA CASAinterfaccia 

Home for inclusion

Via Pianell, Milan, Italy
2014—2015: 1st phase
Beneficiaries 10 families living in a squatted house
Partners DAR=CASA società cooperative, ARCI Milano, Comune di Milano 


In 2014 we started ERSILIA CASAinterfaccia, a project of self-building housing renewal for 10 families who were previously living in a squatted house in Milan. The project aimed at facilitating social inclusion by fostering a self-promoting process. The idea was to renovate and refurbish a vacant old public building by self-building. Involving the future inhabitants would have meant both to save on construction costs and to empower their working skills. The renovation aimed at transforming the building in a mixed-use one, providing housing, as well as collective and commercial spaces, so to facilitate relationships between the 10 families and their neighbors.

ASF Italia team Silvia Nessi, Mariella Eleonora Bianchin, Francesca Albertoni, Marco Tommaseo.