
“Possible Answers to Roma Inclusion”, from the school to the city

Molise-Calvairate-Ponti, Gratosoglio and Padova neighbourhoods, Milan, Italy
Beneficiaries 6-14 year old students, with particular attention to Roma children and teenager
Partners Three Milanese Primary and Middle Public Schools (IC Tommaso Grossi IC Arcadia, IC Perasso-Bottego), Fondazione Somaschi, Atlantis Company s.r.l., Centro Ambrosiano di Solidarietà, Codici, Comune di Milano, Comunità di Sant'Egidio Milano, Fondazione Casa delle Carità, Progetto A Società Cooperativa Sociale, Zero 5 Laboratorio di Utopie Metropolitane
Funds Impresa Sociale Con i Bambini


The P.A.R.I. project works in three of Milan's most vulnerable neighbourhoods (Molise-Calvairate, Gratosoglio, and via Padova). 
The project has started: from Roma students, for then including all children and teenager living and studying in those areas; from the schools, using them as a starting point for intervening in the most problematic places of the neighbourhoods; from the teachers, but aiming to include the whole education community.

Since 2019, a co-design process has been activated within the three school communities – gathering teachers, students, and parents – to build three maker labs, one per school. Each community decided the vocation of its own lab: a tech tailoring lab at Istituto Grossi; a digital carpentry lab at Istituto Arcadia; a screen printing lab at Istituto Perasso Bottego.
Students will use the maker labs during school time. In evening, the spaces will be open for the entire neighbourhood.

We gathered teachers, students, parents, and several Milanese skilled makers during the participatory process, which started as live workshops. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, it transformed into Whatsapp talks and video workshops. So, we have still been able to co-design all the maker labs' furnishings. The current health emergency does not allow to co-build with the participants the items we co-designed together. However, they will follow the construction by remote, and the three labs will open in 2021.

ASF Italia team Silvia Nessi, Francesca Albertoni, Giulia D’Antonio, Dina Mohamed, Giulia Rosa.