La Scuola Diffusa

COVID-19 times?
Let’s do school across the city!

Molise-Calvairate-Ponti and Gratosoglio neighbourhoods, Milan, Italy
Beneficiaries 6-14 year old students
Partners Altisensi, IC Tommaso Grossi and IC Arcadia (Primary and Middle Public Schools of Milano)


In the current COVID-19 emergency context, school spaces are undergoing an urgent rethink. Their implementation needs to innovate teaching, studying, and being at school.
Within the project "La Scuola Diffusa" we work with primary and middle public schools to define and transform traditional learning spaces into places for the entire school community, which can be a refuge and reference during and after school hours, even during complex times as the current pandemic situation.

The project was developed in partner with the precious help of Altisensi which overviewed the which employs experimental research at the service of education and training to develop projects that aim at the development of a creative, critical, autonomous and cooperative attitude of thought and action.

Today, we are working with two schools in Milan, both located in socially fragile contexts: Istituto Comprensivo Tommaso Grossi, in the Molise Calvairate Ponti neighbourhood, and Istituto Comprensivo Arcadia at Gratosoglio.

"La Scuola Diffusa" project collects what we have done together during P.A.R.I in order, on the one hand, to focus on the idea of a school open to the city, a place of reference for children but also for families, a promoter of culture and professional training. And, on the other hand, to facilitate inclusive teaching during school hours.

ASF Italia team Silvia Nessi, Francesca Albertoni, Giulia D’Antonio, Elena Parnisari, Laura Sarchi.